Thursday, January 01, 2009

2008 Roundup!

Woo! Happy new year! And what a cracking year it has been!

Actually, I've just been reading my posts from 2008. I'm so glad to have you, blog! I was starting to think that 2008 had been pretty rubbish, but now I remember all the amazing things I did!! And now I'm going to remind you all about it! Are you ready? Heeeeerrrrreee weeee goooo!!


There really weren't many bad things this year! How cool is that?! Besides getting the worst sore throat EVER, it was good times all-around!

I have no interesting new-year photos, I'm afraid! I spent new year's with mine & Joe's family.

2008 was so much better than I realised! What a crazy, fun-packed, exciting year! And you know the really good thing? The thing that I'm totally excited about? 2009 is going to be EVEN BETTER!!! I promise it will! Just wait!

Bring it on.


  1. wow it looks like you had so much fun! Very eventful year and break, which is always awesome of course.

    Yeah, i've been in europe for school since the end of august, i heart it here.

  2. glad you had a good year and new year :) hopefully we'll catch up properly soon.x
