The night after, I went on another birthday party! First, a house party at my house, then Solus. The theme? Superheroes!

The other day, I was talking to my housemate May, and he told me that, at least twice, he seriously thought I was in pain when I was just singing. Some people just can't hear talent, can they? My dad is always mean about my singing voice, too. And my other housemates. I swear they need their ears testing.
Nah, I joke. But I really enjoy singing to myself!! It's a shame it annoys other people. Sometimes, when I'm in Bristol, I drive really slowly so I can sing more.
Last week I also went to the cinema and went to another house party. Tomorrow night is the art society Christmas meal, Wednesday is our house's Christmas meal, Thursday I'm jammin' and Friday I'm watching a film with my new friend. So busy! But so much fun! I'm excited to go home for Christmas, too!

wow you are a busy bee! im broke cause im travelling over xmas- but next year i'll be out more...even though im supposed to save for more travellng! hehe