It included a King sized Snickers bar ("510 calories, 1 serving = 1/3 bar") and a KitKat that was so big the fingers were vertical!
My dad was so cool when I was a kid. He could tickle me with just one finger ("spot tickle"). He used to brush my teeth and every now & then he'd quickly brush my nose. After brushing my teeth, he'd switch-off the light so I couldn't see him and he'd pull a really stupid face then flash the light on, each time with a different stupid expression! One time, when my niece was only a toddler, he rigged her teddy bear with a piece of thread going up to the ceiling and across to his chair, then he pretended to be asleep and when she came in he made the teddy sit-up and float! His nickname for me was "Nobby", for some reason. I never found out why.
Isn't life weird! Do you ever think there are some thoughts that our brain just can't process? Questions when we don't even really know what the question is; it's totally beyond our capacity. Like, I can't understand who I am. Am I my brain? Or my thoughts? Or my body? Any of those and I'd be a totally different person each day... Maybe I am a different person every day. I'm so infinitely lucky to be me; it's so unlikely! What if my DNA was slightly different? Would I still be me? Could I still be me if I had the DNA of a rabbit? Would I still hear the same voice in my head? I doubt it, cats don't speak English. I don't know what it'd be like, I don't even know what I'm asking...
I suppose that's where philosophy comes in! One thing's for sure, though: life is so super-cool. Sure I'm lucky to be me in a way that I can't understand (DNA, philosophy, etc); but I'm also very lucky because I have a brilliant life, brilliant health and brilliant people in my life compared to a lot of other people. I should never take that for granted! And I should never complain about anything! I truly have no idea how lucky I am to be alive. It is far too complex for me or anyone else to ever understand.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course cats don't speak english... they speak *lolcat*.