So last night I went to a Buddhist meditation centre. Speed was up for it too so he joined me. I really didn't know what to expect, I'm a total beginner to meditation, but I was hoping for more than what I got. We arrived, and after dancing around the front door for a while, we finally built up the courage to ring the door bell. We got in and there were lots of people stood in the kitchen. No welcome and no-one seemed to be in charge. We just stood there, awkwardly. Then the person in charge arrived (still no welcome) but we got chatting to this cool Welsh guy.
The whole thing was a bit less 'far-out dooood' and more middle-aged women than I was expecting. They didn't really help the complete beginners much; didn't explain the benefits / why we should do it. Just jumped straight in. We sat for half an hour in silence trying to have a clear mind.
It was pretty relaxing, sure, but as far as I could tell the only reason we were doing it was to take our minds off of things. But if I want to do that I'd play an instrument or watch a film to relax. Meditation kinda seemed like wasted brain-time.
Anyway, the centre was really nice! It had an amazing shrine and nice gardens, very peaceful! The meditation was intriguing, but I feel like I was too much of a beginner to appreciate it properly. So I am interested to go there again... Or maybe I'm not and they actually brain-washed me to think that...
Tuesday night was super-cool. My housemates arranged a phat barbeque on our front patio. What dudes. Liz, Vicki and Tim also came and we had a great time out in the amazing weather, playing frisbee and eating.
Ahh some photos on my blog, at last!

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