After Big Cheese we had a fun night out at the Welsh Clwb, where emotions got super high, but it was still fun. I actually wanted to stay longer than Speed, and that's saying something! Anyway, we stayed at my house and bummed around on Sunday, had a few drinks with the gang. I had to stay until Monday because I had a meeting with my supervisor. Speed was at work on Monday and after my meeting I was doing the dishes in my kitchen and singing along to my iPod. I'm always a bit nervous of being in that big house on my own, always have half an eye on the front door. So imagine my surprise when I looked around to see someone walking down the hallway towards me. I didn't know who it was at first, but I wasn't scared because he seemed familiar and was laughing at my singing. It turns out it was James! Back from his lunch break for a haircut! Oh, the relief!
Can you remember me telling you about that dude from junior school who cancelled meeting up with me? Well, we finally got around to having a drink on Tuesday! It had been nine years since I had last spoken to him! It brought up so many great memories! He was still a really nice guy, we got on just fine and I really enjoyed it :-) We'll meet up again, for sure.
Yesterday (Wednesday) I went around to Phil's house to help him with some landscaping! We hacked away at his back garden until we had cut down the entire overgrown mess! It looks way better, but there's still loads of work to be done! I really enjoyed it, though, weirdly. We went out for a meal afterwards! I'm glad I like it because I'm starting my gardening volunteer work on Monday!!!
Todd contacted me a while back to get a jamming session going sometime! We're going to meet up Friday and rock out! Can't wait! Annnnnd, the singer from my old old-man-band got in-touch with me & my dad the other day! We're going to put together another old-man-band! toot!
Oooh, also, I'm going to another festival this weekend with Todd: Bristol Harbour-side Festival!
P.S. It was well weird when I was at the train station at the weekend I saw Nat there! She was off to Cambridge for the week and we had a very public conversation across the railway tracks! We played Frisbee the other day at the park with Phil! Good times :-)
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