He even tried to get into bed with my sisters boyfriend. Good times.
I stupidly parked the car on the grass to make room for guests...
2006 kicked ass!
It was a fucking roller coaster, but I'm through and I loved it. I can't believe I've done everything in this entire blog in less than a year! (I've only been blogging since April!)
Best bits:
Seen so many great gigs, Boys Night Out, TBS (met Adam), Dylan Moran, Tenacious D,
Getting our new bunny!
Jammin' in the old man band
Holiday in Sidmouth
Balloon fiesta
Getting in to Cardiff... getting a scholarship too!
Holiday in Paris
Going to Cardiff
All the amazing people I've met at Cardiff
Getting close to my best friends in the summer
Go-karting, rock climbing
Christmas with my home and family
Bad bits:
Scaring my cousin down the stairs! woops
Pig's death!
That stupid salesman-conman in that weird room
Being sick almost every morning
Old man band breaking up
Heat wave
Nanny getting burgled. Read this one, it was horrible!
Fire alarms
Missing Senses Fail!
I can't remember them all at the moment. Obviously the good bits outweigh the bad. I can't believe how much I've done! This year has been amazing and I feel completely evolved from a year ago.
Bring on 2007

Dude, you got a scholarship?
for serious