Saturday, August 12, 2006

wow, let me fill you in


Sorry!! it's been too long! You should've said somthing!!! argh

right, jumping straight in: I've been doing lots of overtime at John Lewis, of course... And we have a new system now where we wear pagers and the customers use a computer to queue. It seems to be working...

I drove to Jesse's house wednesday to record a bass line to a song. It went well! It's all very metally but it's fun to do! have a listen:

I bought books teaching me Java and how to read sheet music. The Java one is going well, I just need to look more at the sheet music one. And that guitar DVD I bought looks cheasy but helpful.

Right, enough boring stuff:

OMGOMGOMogomgogm, did I tell you that Phil and Ria are an item!!!! I know!!!!

ok. Phil's got a new camera so we were testing it out whilst watching the jackass movie at his house. I've watched so many films lately!!! Truman show (at mine with Nat, it was good!), Miami vice (at cinema with all work mates (all two of them that turned up!, i got there late and told them to wave at me and I couldn't see any hands!!, they were on the end of a row, how embarrising!!) it was rubbish! the most boring film I ever saw), I saw cars with Nat at the cinema (for free thanks to her working at Disney!) and stuff like that.

At Phil's, unfortunatley, there was a moment when Nat's head slowly became engulfed in her neck. There was nothing we could do...

I was going to go out with my work mates to Oceana last Thursday, but none of my mates could come and Nicola phoned and asked if I'd come to the balloon fiesta with her. Stupidly I said yes and we went, I text her that I was there and she text back:

"im in horn & trumpet with kate but we're heading to lloyds so come along if ye want.sorry darling 2 mess u around x x x"

oh yeah, we just paid £8 parking and drove all the way to the balloon fiesta, we'll just drive straight back out... twat

But to be fair, the balloon fiesta was fun!! Ria got her fortune told buy some Gypse!!! Apparently, she told her that she'd have 3 children. I thought it would be great if Ria told her "well, I've already got four..."

It was taking too long so me and Nat went to watch the balloons. It was cold!! but we kept warm, esspecially when that big flame kept lighting up right next to us! The fireworks were great too!

My manager warned me that it would take like 2 hours to get out of the car park, and he was right. Everyone was sat in the queue, engines on, for ages! Me and Nat found a tree to laze under whilst we waited for Phil, Ria and Kirstie. It was great just to watch all the cars queuing and getting angry below us. We stayed there for about an hour and a half before finnaly driving home. It was a good night.

A few days later and it's today! And we took Phil's phsyco dog for a day out to seven beach! That dog (Millie by name) gets so excited it's great! We had a long walk and a long chat and it was jolly fun.

Millie with a lip ring / Millie looking worrying:

And that's about all that's been happening... in a nutshell. Can I just say, it was funny the other day, I was feeling very ill (and annoyed that the bus had just driven past me) and looking very glum sat on the bus stop pavement, when I got a text, it was from Nicola, telling me to get up and stop looking so glum!! I was like "where is she!?" it certainly cheered me up.

Also, I had such a boring meeting at work yesterday about approaching customers... such a waste of time but worth it to get out of fitting for two hours!

So that's it!! your updated! Only a week left of big brother, and a week until I go on holiday to Disney Land Paris!! and on Thursday I get my results!!! Wish me luck

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