I went rock climbing yesterday, had to be up at 7! It took us an hour to get to
Gower and when we got there it was a small hike to get to the beach.

(notice me in the right corner)
The cliffs we climbed were on the sea front so the view was brilliant. The beach was really peaceful, untouched. I don't know why though because it was really pretty, you'd think people would bring tents and windbreaks but there was hardly anyone there. Just rock climbers, dog walkers and people riding white horses along the shore. We walked through an archway in the rocks to get to where we wanted.

We got climbing right away, I was one of the first on the rocks. It was a bit harder than I expected. The rocks were really rough and I have sore hands today. But it was a great challenge, really gets the adrenaline going! Sometimes you'd get to a point where you think there's nothing you can do to get further, but somehow, I managed to get to the top every time!

Check out the pictures, the one with the writing on, that one was
soooo hard! I watched the instructor go up first, putting the pegs into the wall as he went, then once he and another guy got up, I had to do it. From the ground it looked like there was nothing to hold on to. And it looked the same once I was on it. I don't know HOW I did it! I had to climb onto the other face of the rock half way up too. Then when I got to the top I pressed myself against the wall just in case because no one was holding onto my rope! We climbed a bit further, then I walked along a ledge with no rope! To Karl, who gave me a rope to abseil down. It was so hard to lean back to horizontal by only holding onto a rope that was at foot level. But somehow I did it! And I lowered myself back to the ground. Great fun! But scary!

I didn't fall off once! So it's weird to think that I could have done all of it without any ropes / equipment!

I was so tired afterwards, and I have a bit of a cold today, but the girls sorted me out with some
beachums or something. Anyway, I might reduce myself to going to
Lidls today for fruit / veg.
The flat is much cleaner now, but the fridge is still annoying! Did I tell you it spilt water all over the floor the other week. And it still freezes our food, the other day we had a
stalagmite of milk forming at the bottom under
Deji's semi opened milk bottle! Good times!
Speak soon!
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