Dear blog...
I can't remember the last time I cried. But last night my emotions got the better of me.
It brings me great sadness to explain that my wonderful guinea pig had to be let go today after a possible stroke and not being able to fuction his mouth to eat properly. In the end it was too cruel to put him through the pain, and now he's in a better place.
5 brilliant years we had the pleasure of his company. That's pretty old for a guinea pig! He was so amazingly tame. He'd come running up to you, he's squeak squeak everytime someone went to see him, he'd be happy just to rest in your arms in the comfort of your warmth. He was a very happy guinea pig. And I'm not surprised! We took care of him very well. Especially the girls. He had a two story hutch (which he couldn't quite get upstairs in, well, he tried once and bunny came tumbling down the other way and he never tried again!) and he had a magnificent run out in the garden that also had a hutch for when he got cold or tired.

He was never lonely. He shared the last years of his life with the brilliant bunny in the photos and enjoyed the wonderful company of our first bunny for the first years of his life, he was so sad when she had to go. Those two were like two peas in a pod! The would just snuggle up to eachother and keep warm. And now, reunited, they'll be snuggling up keeping even warmer together.
How I wish I could only have one more summer together. I've lost a dear friend.
Be brave pig. You'll never be forgotten.

I'll admit i still prefer cats, but your lil wig is gorgeous. Sorry if i didn't truly appreciate the extent to which this affected you when i saw you today. I guess i was just stuck for words, what with our friendship not really being that 'deep'. But losing something thats been in your life for so long is never easy. And i guess i can't say much else but sorry for your loss, as hollow a saying as it might seem, i really mean it.