Ok, omg, where to start. Well, I did make a painting in the end!! For Speed's 21st:

It's called "Open Mike", pretty clever, huh! It's my first painting since, like, ever. It's not really what I wanted but I'm just learning.
I went back to Cardiff and we had fun on Speed's birthday (a sweaty night at Metros!):

The next day in London, we went to the Science museum and watched a 3D movie at the iMax!!! With funny glasses!!

The day after, I started work!! It's a really nice office at The Bay (great location!). Casual clothes, music playing, kids from my uni there, it's really nice!
On Tuesday I moved out of my house!!!!!!!! Nooooo!!!!! That was my house for two years! My home!! Speed drove me away from it and I wept. Sure I had ups and downs at that place, but I always loved it there, and I'll never forget it.
The move-out was made even worse because I have to live in halls until I can find a new flat... These halls are the most miserable, depressing, annoying place to live (worse than in my first year!!). I can't wait to get out!! I know no-one there, and I have no computer/TV/radio/friends there :-(
Me and Speed have been looking for flats at The Bay, there are some really nice ones there! So hopefully it'll only be a few weeks until then.
OMG, one last piece of news!!!!!!!!!!! I got my results!! I got a 1:1!! I came second in the year!! I was 1% away from top of the year (SOOO ANNOYING!!) but it doesn't matter because my supervisor emailed me the other day and told me I am still getting funding for my PhD!! So it's official! I am going to do a PhD at Cardiff uni, starting October. In three years time I could be Doctor Coombs!! That would be so fun! Someone might cry "Quick! Is there a doctor on board!?" and I'll be all "hell-to-the-yeah!!"
Wow, sorry about rushing over stuff, I just had so much to tell you! I love you, and I'll speak to you soon.
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