Sunday, July 05, 2009


Hello!!! Omg, once again so much has happened since last post. And I would've posted sooner, but I didn't have a computer!! I know, I know. All will be explained:

Ok, omg, where to start. Well, I did make a painting in the end!! For Speed's 21st:

It's called "Open Mike", pretty clever, huh! It's my first painting since, like, ever. It's not really what I wanted but I'm just learning.

I went back to Cardiff and we had fun on Speed's birthday (a sweaty night at Metros!):

Then at the weekend, me and my friends went to London! Omg, sooo bad when we were waiting for our coach to pick us up. A Megabus comes and it's at that point that I realise I have NationalExpress tickets and everyone else has Megabus tickets!!! I was soooo lucky to have a lovely driver who still let me on the bus :-)

The first day in London, we went shopping and saw a gig: Brand New!! They were really good, it was a great night. We got home from the gig, back to our youth hostel which was two floors above a really noisy bar! But it wasn't too loud in our bedroom. It was just really weird that some random girl was sharing our room with us!! How scary for her!!!

The next day in London, we went to the Science museum and watched a 3D movie at the iMax!!! With funny glasses!!

Then we had a meal at Pizza Express and then I got the bus home separately to my friends :-( But it was ok because I met a nice man on the coach. But then it was a bit weird because he asked for my contact details at the end...

The day after, I started work!! It's a really nice office at The Bay (great location!). Casual clothes, music playing, kids from my uni there, it's really nice!

On Tuesday I moved out of my house!!!!!!!! Nooooo!!!!! That was my house for two years! My home!! Speed drove me away from it and I wept. Sure I had ups and downs at that place, but I always loved it there, and I'll never forget it.

The move-out was made even worse because I have to live in halls until I can find a new flat... These halls are the most miserable, depressing, annoying place to live (worse than in my first year!!). I can't wait to get out!! I know no-one there, and I have no computer/TV/radio/friends there :-(

Me and Speed have been looking for flats at The Bay, there are some really nice ones there! So hopefully it'll only be a few weeks until then.

OMG, one last piece of news!!!!!!!!!!! I got my results!! I got a 1:1!! I came second in the year!! I was 1% away from top of the year (SOOO ANNOYING!!) but it doesn't matter because my supervisor emailed me the other day and told me I am still getting funding for my PhD!! So it's official! I am going to do a PhD at Cardiff uni, starting October. In three years time I could be Doctor Coombs!! That would be so fun! Someone might cry "Quick! Is there a doctor on board!?" and I'll be all "hell-to-the-yeah!!"

Wow, sorry about rushing over stuff, I just had so much to tell you! I love you, and I'll speak to you soon.

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