I changed dentists the other day. I was totally impressed to have a really young, beautiful dentist. But still, I can't help cracking-up whenever they use the sucker thing and accidentally such my cheek or tongue or something. I can't help grinning then that makes me want to laugh even more!
I had a little informal interview with a company that my friend works for today. They wanted to suss me out to see if they wanna give me a job after I graduate. Good times! And tomorrow I've got an interview for a volunteer company. I'm going to be digging some path or something. It's 16-25 yr olds too, so that should be fun. But why the hell do they want to interview me? And it's going to be one of those stupid ones about what I feel I can "give" to the project and what direction I want to take the project etc. Forget that crap, I'm gunna be all "I've got hands, I can use a spade, I'll do it for free, do you want me or not?" srsly, stop the messing around, already.
I mentioned graduation just then. I was in Cardiff today and saw some people wearing their graduation gowns and now I just can't believe that this time next year my uni life will be over and I'll be graduating. If I get the results, of course! But I got this year's results today and they're all good so fingers crossed!
Oh, p.s.! My little sister has a boyfriend now! So now I have to sit downstairs feeling lonely watching films until he leaves (our bedrooms only have a partition wall between, I don't wanna make anyone feel awkward). But on the plus side it means she has finally tidied her bedroom! I'm dying to post the picture of how it used to look, but I'd feel way too mean!
and p.p.s! My older sister has bought a house with her bf and will be moving out in a few months!
[edit 31/07/08] ahh hellz, here's the pic:

hey Rich! we'll never let ya down! we should do summit soon! :o) when the weather brightens up!! grrr hehe x
ReplyDeleteo and that is 1 disgusting room! lol x