Monday, April 28, 2008


Summer is coming! I can walk around in tees again! Everything looks so much more beautiful on a nice day. I love it so much, I swear. Maybe I'm affected by SAD?

And what better place to be in the summer!? It's like something from an American cartoon! I walk down my road and a group of people have pulled sofas out into the street and are lounging around, soaking up the sun. Some other dudes have set up a paddling pool in their front garden. Every so often I smell barbecues cooking. People play games and walk their dogs on the grass area outside our house. There's such a great community feeling, when the sun comes out.

I just want to dive straight in to Summer... but I can't because I have exams... But that's ok, I'm going to revise in some amazing park under the sun. That same sun that I share with everyone, all over the planet. The same sun that everyone has seen, even thousands of years ago.

I've got that excited feeling in my tummy, like the holidays are coming. I have so many plans! I'm thinking the main theme for my break will be baking and cooking. My kitchen is so much cooler back home. And I remembered the other day to add "Make home-made ice-cream" to my list of things to do in the Summer. How cool is that!?

I just got back from a meeting with the Art society and they've made me social secretary for next year! There will be four of us on the committee. No-one knows anyone but they all seem brilliant! I can't wait, so much.


  1. please dont take the sofas outside...

  2. Bit ironic considering it's currently tipping it down with rain... and will probably do so for the rest of this week :(

    Bu yeah, I'm looking forward to summer. Got myself plenty of plans and 'things to do'. I'm hoping to learn a number of new things in what will hopefully be a productive summer. My main 'theme' as it were is probably setting a good foundation for Computational Physics. Sounds overly 'geeky' but in order to really get somewhere I feel I need to use this time to really develop base skills.

    That and I'll probably be going to the RIAT (Airshow) this summer. Always loved that. Happened to miss last year though.

    When the weather clears up/warms up a bit then we should get a BBQ going... you know: Beer, BBQ, Cake etc...

  3. Hahha, don't worry Julie, I'll leave the sofas!

    Yeah, I really should've checked the forecast before posting this!

    Sounds good with the computational physics! Especially if you're still considering a PhD. Are you doing any earning work over the summer or just your own thing?
    Airshow will be amazing too! I'm so annoyed I missed a big one last year. My dad said it was crazy!

    Yeah we definitely need to get a BBQ going, it's been way too long since I last had one...

  4. Haven't got any work lined up yet, no. If something comes up in the department (kinda unlikely) then I'd be tempted. Will probably just end up doing some part-time work somewhere - well guess that depends on what happens. Oh well.

  5. rich you are so bloody good at writing...have you considered writing a book?

    you put my crappy little blog to shame!
