Thursday, March 06, 2008

more better


So these last few weeks have been pretty crazy with work. I'm at that stage again where I have loads on, it gets pretty stressful. I come up with lists of things I want to do - besides work - in my head. Not many of them get done though.

I went home for the weekend just gone. It was mother's day after all! This year I baked her a wonderful lemon "mother's day desert". Whenever I cook something my sisters always laugh and make fun of it. This time was no different. We were sat around the dinner table with Joe and Nanny and mum cut the cake. She took the first slice away and revealed its colour: green with black spots. Oh there was an eruption of laughter, uncontrollable. I told them "no! It's the fresh basil that made it green and the black spots are poppy seeds!". It's true! Fresh basil!.... I followed the recipe perfectly. I'm blaming this one on Rachel, she picked the recipe. She probably did it so everyone could have a good laugh! As usual mum assured me it was lovely, and to be fair, it was. Better than the last cake I made which was so dark and rich no one could eat it (apart from mum! endurance!), or those cookies I made that had double the amount of bicarbonate of soda giving everyone indigestion!

Lately I've been trying not to complain so much. I'm not talking all complains, just ones that are completely pointless. Some complains are good because they change things for the better, but others are just completely rubbish and cause bad energy, man. That's why I don't watch the news. Can you think of a more depressing program? Why would I want to watch it? Why do people watch it!? I would REALLY rather not know about someone being stabbed to death in London, I can't do anything to change or help an earthquake that injured a small cat. I live in my perfect little bubble where everything is brilliant. And don't get me wrong, I do care about Earth and life. So much. And I do do things to try to help. Could someone please educate me as to why this bubble is so wrong? And why I should participate in the purely symbolic act of voting? I know it probably is, I just don't know why... I suppose I just care more on the person-to-person level rather than more generally.

I read some website a few months ago about tips for life. One of them was "singing out of tune is better than not singing at all". I live by that rule, ask any of my house mates. I sing out of tune in the shower, in my bedroom, in the kitchen, in my car, it kicks ass. And yes, I totally read about tips for life because this could be the only one I get, how crazy is that? It's like I'm preparing for a big camping trip or something and I want to know exactly how to get the best out of it. Except WAY bigger.

Urgh, I swear I shouldn't blog when I'm in these moods. You see what work does to me? At least tomorrow we're jamming, I'm going to jam so hard tomorrow it'll hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Richy-boy cheer up ;-)

    The news is rubbish, it's like it tries to make you feel guilty because shit happens in the world. Still, I reckon it's better to know about it and accept that bad stuff happens, and know that we don't have to feel bad, than to ignore it.

    Hopefully hook up over easter some time

