The latest piece of coursework is pretty fun. We have to make an audio player. We were given a month to do this. I'm only getting five days to do it because I have had so much other work. I started this Thursday and here's what I've got so far:

The other day I heard some very worrying news. I noticed a Facebook group that said Cardiff council plan on putting a road, roundabout, bridge etc through my beautiful Bute Park. If they did this I would be very sad. It would be like having a road through my bed. I wrote them a letter, stat:
Dear Julian Stedman/Richard Cole,
It has come to my attention that there are plans to put a road through Bute Park. I'm a student at Cardiff University and hearing about this makes me very sad. Bute park is one of the only places I can sink into and completely disconnect myself from the hectic rush of cars, busy people, mobile phones and computers. It's somewhere I enjoy when I am stressed and need a breath of fresh air.
Doing a computer science degree, I sometimes feel that I am getting caught up in the deafening modern technological world. It makes me feel like a robot. I've always felt so lucky to live near Bute park. Whenever I go there I turn off my iPod and mobile and listen to the birds, wind, dogs, children. When I'm there all the stress of university life seems a million miles away.
I really think people need this escape in their lives. If you take this away from the park it will just seem like the planet is becoming even more claustrophobic, even more suffocating, with nowhere to go when you need a release. I hope you can see past your shirt & tie for a few minutes to think about that. I hope you realise that doing this to Bute park means that my life and your life is even more boxed in to an office, TFT monitors and Bluetooth headsets.
I would appreciate hearing about any developments in your decisions.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Coombs
Anyway, after writing this I did a bit more research and apparently they're not doing anything bad at all. Just a few cycle paths etc. And they cut the big tree down because it was diseased. I feel a bit stupid for giving in to these stupid chain letter things. Apparently the technical name is "scaremongering".
The other day, after jamming, we all decided to get an Indian. It was really cool spending 5 hours of my day with these guys. They're the coolest dudes. I ordered a soda and lime as usual, and the Indian guy was all like "what? sodium lime?" and I'm like "yeah" and we were all pretty worried what I was gunna get. ...luckily it was a soda & lime, pretty good too! about an 8!
I'm going to post this now but will probably think of 100 things to put in it so I might have to edit.
Oh, I remembered to say I'm going home Friday for Easter! toot!
That's weird. I was just thinking you hadn't blogged in ages and then I refreshed and there it was