Ok, first things first. Terry Dee coming down for the weekend! Hah! It was pretty fun, we went to a quiet bar (cause the queue for everywhere else was HUGE!). It was good just to chat with her, Ali and Geraint. We came back and saw the girls in H3 for a bit (they were drunk). It was also fun! I love those guys! (edit: I've gotta take this bit out...) ...for her was a bit pointless!
Oh... I feel that I can't tell you so much lately... I think quite a few of my uni mates read this now and I can't make it as personal. It started out top secret! Remember!
We've been doing a lot of looking at houses lately. Which means I've had my camera in my pocket a lot. SOoo, I have a little surprise for you!:

It's the hole in the floor in the toilets!!!!! I can't remember if I told you about it but it's so weird! Who would use this?!
Anyway, houses. Basically, cut a long story short:
We were panicking about ever getting a house so we saw a half decent one (that's quite far away) and thought we better pay a bond to take it off the market as a backup while we look for a better one. It cost £65 each. Today, me Ali, Geraint and May saw another house that was pretty impressive! So, we put £70 each on that one too. Basically, we've lost £65 but this new house is better (better location etc) and the rent actually works out cheaper!
New house (next year):
Oh, and by the way:

On another note. I've been getting really worked up lately about this girl on my course (lets call her Sophie) that I really wanna talk to but can't. How can I? What excuse have I got to go and talk to her!? I missed my chance the other day, I held the door open for her, she said thanks and I didn't even talk back. What a dick. I get so pissed off.
Anyway, speak to you soon.
Love you
well you can play it one of 2 ways.
ReplyDeleteAt the beginning of class say to her- 'hey i want your opinion on something,if a guy is gonna ask out a girl do you think it would be better to do at the beginning of class or when shes getting up to leave?' then do whatever she says.
the next time you see her out of the class say 'hey, your in my class do you have the notes from last class'
your call....
hehe that sucks that you cant 'talk' on your blog anymore, see thats why no one knows i have one.
I gave you specific suggestions on the opposite sex, do you have any for me?
You should do the second option that Mel said. Although they may make her suspicious but is that a good thing? I don't know. Or you should just spark up a conversation and just say 'Have you got Java next?' or something, or 'HEY YOU!'. Or start to bully her! Everyone knows that bullys secretly like their victims. Okay I'm all out of ideas now.
ReplyDeleteAnd I still think you should write what you want on your blog. After all it is YOUR diary. If people don't like it, don't read it. Simple as.
Ironically, 'Dave' is saving up to go to europe so doesnt have a cell phone, i mean at least i dont think, texting is out. So i have his e-mail- but also no computer so no msn...
ReplyDeleteYEAH! you totally have to talk to her-girls like when guys seem interested...duh?
And stuff is still pretty f*cked up in many respects but thanks for the congats!
i need my rich fix... blog!
ReplyDeletei'm just bored- teehee