Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hello! It hasn't quite been a week since I blogged last, and I probably don't have much to say, but here goes:

Ok, first thing, let me get this off my chest. Basically, it's the christian union's week to spread the awareness of Christianity. They had a progressive meal the other day (which I couldn't make) where you could 'grill a christian' at the end. Basically ask them a tough christian question. Now I was at the pub yesterday and a friend introduced me to someone and told me that she was the christian that got grilled. The christian then says to us (to the best of my memory):
Yeah, that's why I'm brown...('ohh kayyy' pause)... oh sorry, my racist jokes never go down well with people I don't know... blah blah blah, and I know that no one has the right to be racist...well, technically I do... anyway!...

, hold the phone! Did I miss something!? The right to be racist!? What an introduction! Anyway, I'm sure she didn't mean it like that, I just found it funny.

I just got back from a christian speech about how science doesn't disprove religion. It was an interesting day! Speed gave a good argument at the end with which the speaker finished his come-back with "I think we'll have to agree to disagree". pwned.

Nothing much else has been going on. But I promise I'll have a treat for you next blog. I don't wanna talk about Sophie much, but I will say that I was just about to sit down next to her in lecture when Joe called me and Speed to sit with him. Argh! Anyway, I'm gunna wind down on it. I'm getting too stressed.

Be sure to get BNO's new digital EP available on iTunes. I haven't yet cause I don't have iTunes and downloadPunk won't accept UK money. But I will someday. Ohh btw, BNO actually sent me a message on MySpace! How cool is that! Granted it only said about 3 words (on where, other than iTunes, I could get the EP) but still!

I'll give you a more interesting blog soon I promise.



  1. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it probably wasn't someone from the band who messaged you. They have people who run their MySpace pages. But still, you talked to someone who knows them, which is cool I guess.

    And ohh yeah pwnage.

  2. damn friends and their constant toiling in your possible romantic life.
