I AM SO ANNOYED AT MYSELF!!! Ya'll know how much I struggled with my A-level exams? How I got so stressed and anxious that it made me really ill? I had to take some pills to level myself out back then. I was so nervous about coming to uni, back then. I got a bottle of pills to take with me, knowing that I'd need them. BUT I NEVER DID NEED THEM!! That bottle of pills was never opened, I never needed them for any of my exams, presentations, job interviews, meetings, dates. Nothing. ...Until today. Today I was so bad I had to crack them open to level me out. I'm so ashamed! I really thought I could do it...
It's the uncertainty that gets me. Just like at A-level, I have that uncertainty in my life again, where I don't even know what city I'll be living in next year. I don't know what I'll be doing next year. That's scary but exciting. I don't feel stressed about it, I'm excited! But apparently I am stressed, if I need pills.
Hellz, this'll be the last time I'll ever use them... It's just such a shame...
In other news: fun times up-to my exams! Went to a brilliant gig and met the band again:

I can't wait until my exams are over!! I'm going to buy a car and go for a drive!! I'm going to do things, see people meet people, go a little wild. I'm not so into getting a job right now. Now my education is over I want to live for a bit. Maybe try to regain some creativity. Da Vinci once said that all children are creative; the hardest part it keeping the creativity as you grow older.
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