Thursday, September 04, 2008

Rachel's moved out!

On Saturday I helped my sister and her boyfriend move to their new house. How weird is that? My sister's moved out! And it's really weird because I won't see Joe very much any more and my bunnies and Melve are moving out!! I'm really bummed about that. The animals haven't moved out yet because the new 'bunny mansion' needs to be built, first!

Their house was really nice! Perfect condition and the guy that lived there before was such a dude, even left a bottle of champagne for them! I really appreciate little things like that. It's a shame everyone isn't like it: when my mum and dad moved into their house the previous owner had even removed every light bulb from the house!

I've got some snaps but my narrow angle lens is rubbish for indoor shots:

Well, they've done it! Got the partner, got the degree, got the job, got the house. It makes me wonder what I'll do after uni. I've only got one year left, after all. My dad is always very quick to tell me what I want in life. "That's what you want, Rich. Get yourself a nice job and start earning lots of money so you can buy a big house." But that's really not what I want right now. I don't want to come home from my office to my big, very empty, very lonely house. I don't want to be on my own and I really don't want to sit in my office chair for the rest of my life, yet. I'm too young and single to be stuck in an office already!

Basically, next year I'll have three choices of what I can do: get a job and get old, do a PhD, orrrr (and here's my favourite) go travelling! I'm really thinking about living in Canada for a year after uni. Possibly doing a PhD out there. Trouble is, I've never been there before so I don't know if I'll like it. Then yesterday, right on queue, Gecko hits me up and asks me if I want to backpack around America for a month after uni! I couldn't stop smiling, that kicks ass! Speed's up for it, too, so it should be awesome. Fancy that! The three musketeers take on the USA! That'd make such a good blog post :-)

Tonight I'm going out for drinks with the old shoe-crew from John Lewis! It'll be great to see them again. Bye!

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