The summer is finally over! It took ages! I hate to be a negative-nancy but it dragged quite a lot. And that's extra bad because it'll probably be my last summer holiday EVER!!
...but I'm back in Cardiff, now!! And it's so much better. I've had so much fun already, I swear. I've had some great nights at the Union:
I'll be back there tonight. It's so busy there! You end up with some random girl dancing right up close against your back, and it's kinda cool and mysterious, but I can't help worrying they're planning on stealing my wallet...
Yesterday was so much fun. I was on the Art Society stall at the societies fair trying to get people to join. Looking like a total retard:
It was great being cheeky to people and persuading them to join with the help of chocolate. We got so many people to join! It's going to be such a fun society!
Before I left Bristol, I went to give blood for the second time ever. No word of a lie, they had to prick my fingers five times to get enough blood to do an iron test! It took four people's attempts and I ended up with plasters on four of my fingers! And when I finally got to give blood, he put the needle in really badly and it really hurt!! A week later and I now have a bruise going down a third of my forearm, it still aches!
You have done so much already! I feel so boring! haha
ReplyDeleteIm afraid im not celebrating my birthday in Cardiff at all! Everyone is coming to Bristol! Friday and Saturday! could you make it any of those nights? would be cool to see you :o) xx
**tumble weed blows across the remains of Rich's blog**