Last week in Bristol, I came home from work one day when Emma told us our wild rabbit had escaped its run so we were out in the pitch black, poring rain looking for it. Luckily I found it and rounded it back.
I've decided to join the art society here at Cardiff! I used to love art and I really miss that in my life. I'm excited to not know anyone and meet random people again, just like fresher's week.
I've been keeping up with watching films. I've decided to join LoveFilm. It's so cool, they post you a DVD, you keep it as long as you want then post it back for free then they'll send the next DVD on your list. Only £4 a month. You don't have to sign up though.
I'm so proud of Phil. Still using Linux and now he modified his computer's hardware all by himself. I swear!

I'm not too stressed with revision! My little sister is though, god. She's usually not very nice but lately it's really bad. My parents took us out for a meal on my last evening with them and she starts having a go at Dad and calls me a prick for looking at her at the dinner table! Bitch best be trippin'! I'm not exactly trying to not piss her off though, to be fair. I remember how hard she made revision for me - and still does, wouldn't even turn her music off! And mum's always sooo one sided about it all, Emma is always right, of course!
I'm not stressed.
My dreaming is going amazingly. A few nights ago I read the unconscious review of the third chapter of Dreaming Realities before I went to bed. It was all weirded out and saying stuff like "we don't know if you'll become aware that you're dreaming tonight, or if you'll ask yourself 'am I dreaming?'" etc etc, hypnotising me n' shit. Anyway, that night I did ask myself that very question! And I came to the conclusion that I was dreaming! I finally realised I was dreaming but I still didn't become lucid :-( I couldn't control my dream or anything and I can't remember anything more about that dream... But still! I'm getting so close! I swear it won't be long.
Did you know that foetuses dream 15 hours a day? What the hell would they dream about? If you haven't seen, heard, felt or smelt anything ever, then what could you possible dream about? And don't say "nothing", I don't think there is such a thing as nothing. Sure you could dream about silence and all black vision, but surely to dream about these things means you can appreciate the opposite of them? I don't know, this thought messes me up pretty badly. What do blind and deaf people dream of?
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