Anyway! It's fresher's week now! So bars / clubs / meeting new people and getting drunk. But not as much as what I was expecting! And not as much as last year!
I personally think the house is great! But some of my house mates have had trouble with their rooms. I think I'm pretty lucky with my room. Here's a piccy:
It's small but in a nice location and nice. Talking of small, I saw the girl's house the other day (the ones that used to live opposite us) and their house is HUGE! Every room is like twice the size of mine! So lucky!
I've been trying to cook for myself now that I'm not catered. You should see me try! It's a joke. I'm such a mess in the kitchen. Totally hysterical and shit. BUT I've improved loads in just 3 days! I just finished a quick pasta bolognese in less than 40 mins!! With three different vegetables! I went shopping today and bought really healthy food! Really weird. But I want to make a huge effort at this. I think I'll be good at it after a while. I'm learning!
We've been on some great nights out! Tonight Speed and I are off to Metros for some good music. Here's some pictures of use at the new Oceana, which, may I add, is not a touch on the Bristol Oceana, it's less than half the size! (but still huge and great!):

Where the hell was this photo taken and why the hell can't I stand up?