Wednesday, April 11, 2007

ohhhh kaaaaayy

Hey! Yeah, I know, I didn't post a big anniversary blog. I was going to, but I thought it would be nearing spam, posting rubbish just to take up space. This is officially my 99th blog; but still, lets celebrate: ~100 in a year!! AND it's been a year!!!!!! I've really enjoyed this, I hope you have too, blog. It's been great just to get stuff off me' chest and stuff. Anyway, this isn't the end or anything! Still two more years and a bit! Then I might be very sad to end it. It might feel like my life is ending too. But I'm definitely all man. Not half computer. Maybe I'll get it published!

Anyway! Whilst out at propaganda celebrating the anniversary, I met up with Ben and Carrie and it turns out it was their (they're a couple) one year anniversary too! What are the odds! Those two are great. I'm gunna jam with Ben Saturday. It was so funny after the night out, we were looking around the multistory car park for about 20 minutes before we could find a pay point! We had to phone the woman for help!

I knew I'd forget everything to tell you about... and I have, sorry. Here's what I remember:

I went out to Blaise woods (as hoped) with my wonderful friends. We didn't get to go through the woods though. I still really want to. I might go on my own sometime. I can't get enough of looking out over the cliff edge over the sea of trees and forest. When it's sunny it's amazing. You'll know what I mean when I take the photos. 'till then, the best I got is this one:

But I swear the sky was blue, not white. We've had great whether lately! (Until today, but that's because Nat went camping today).

Our day out was on Easter Sunday. I had to leave early because my mum put an egg hunt on for us. (I know, they ripped it out of me). But mum seems to really enjoy doing things 'right'. I hate to let her down when she's being nice. I ran round hunting like a little school girl.

I got to spend some quality time with the rabbits yesterday! There so cute! We have one that just sits there and looks cute ('bunny') and another that jumps around all over the place and won't stand still ('bunny'). The active one is the one that Rachel rescued after someone brought it into the vets (it was wild!).

Ready? break!

Guess which one the active one is! He climbs onto your shoulders and head!

Sorry I haven't blogged for so long but loads of things have been coming up (not bad things). I started this one last night but Phil came round which was good, so now it's the morning.

Nat had us round for a BBQ at her house on Tuesday. Really good whether again. Kiri and Jess were there too, they seem to be getting along. Ooh, and I forgot to say I met up with Speed Monday cause he came to Bristol to shop at the Mall. We wondered round for hours! Good to see him!

Work was fine, I've booked another day. I'm going out with the work crew tonight to go bowling.

Apart from that, waaaay too much work so I've been getting bored and annoying lately. Hope my friends understand.


  1. Hey sexy you should have come into Bristol with us!! Half of us can't remember half of it! You still in Bristol? I'm back again on Thursday for the weekend if you wanna go out text me.

