Anyway, not long 'till I go back to Cardiff now. And to be honest I can't wait. I get too stressed out in this house, no one in this world can piss me off as much as Emma (my sister) can. Trouble is, it's probably all pointless. Being annoyed is pointless! It surely doesn't have a useful outcome for humans. Still, when I'm in this house, I get annoyed way too easy.
Near the beginning of the holiday I was pissing my friends off too. I've started to realise lately how I'm starting to think I'm always right - which is ridiculous. Just stupid stuff like taking the piss out of Nat's taste in music. But also more serious stuff like religion. I'm really going to back off anything like this from now on (unless provoked). It just causes pointless arguments. I always say that I'm as likely to change their mind as they are to change mine. I should really listen to that.
Anyway, all is well now. Nat, Phil and I went out for a meal yesterday. It was great! I swear Phil should do stand-up comedy. I was almost in tears when Dan and his girlfriend (who was nice!) came to say hello. Phil's always trying to better me as a person and teach me life skills, he seems to think I have a lot to learn. He made me order all the food and drinks (purposely choosing the hardest thing to pronounce on the menu!). We wanted some water and I had my mouth full, so instead of asking, he said to the waiter "Hang on, he's got his mouth full a minute, love".
Being back home means I watch telly again. But I definitely think I'm better off without it. I'm mainly talking about the news. I can't think of any program more depressing than the news. Threat of chemical attacks, stupid twat kills 32 students, Teenager stabbed to death. I'd really rather not know. Is that bad of me? I'd rather not know that someone planned a terrorist attack on the UK until it actually happens and affects me. 'Till then, let me carry on in my perfect dream world.

Sorry to be such a negative Nancy. This is what happens during revision / work. Still! I only have 5 weeks left of uni this (academic) year! I finish my exams on the 25th May then I have four months of summer! I'll miss Cardiff though. Can't believe how quick uni is going!
Right! Sorry to depress you. Go for a walk in the sun, it's amazing weather at the moment!
we went to blaise castle for a walk yesterday!! ooo =] wierd that you mentioned it =] x
ReplyDeleteNo way! Oh you should've said you could've come to visit! It's like 2 minutes from my house!