Friday, November 03, 2006

Here I come!

Hey, I just figured out my fancy dress for next Halloween:

Today's freezing out. But at least it's not raining.

At least it's not raining, cause I'm going home today! Yeah! I've been here six weeks, that's half way to Christmas. I can't wait, I'm taking the bass and I'm gunna jam in the band one more time! Plus I'm going to see fireworks with the family. I see what my old room looks like in lilac!

Can't wait! But I'll tell you about it after! Byyeeee

Oh, by the way, is my new template good or should I go back to how it was?


  1. Have a good weekend Rich!

    dont think ill be getting much sleep due to the "visitor"... ah well..


  2. Have a good weekend!
    I never did that sorta thing except for christmas cuz my scool is a 2.5 hour flight from my home :)

  3. Hey thanks guys. It's totally weird being home again. Can't explain now, I'll write soon
