OMG, what have I been up to. When was the last time I posted? If I repeat myself I'm sorry.
Did I tell you about our house party!? We got everyone over to ground floor H house, put some bangin' tunes on and it was crazy! At first it was really quiet, but it was 6 o'clock! Then it just got sooo busy and everyone was having fun and a great time! We were playing the music from someones laptop and the funniest bit was right at the end when we were going to the club, the music stopped and the 'windows shutting down' sound played over the speakers! You know the party's over when you hear that! As usual, I met loads of great people and it was another brilliant night! The club was good too!
I really can't remember the order of these events I'm afraid. One night we went to Lloyd's for drinks before going to the uni club again. Let me show you all the photos and everyone:

From from left:
Aris: He's cool, he's from Greece, he's doing computer science and he's the room mate of Rich - the guy that Jake met at the canteen on the first day.
Luce: I'll tell you about her later cause you can't really see her
???: I'm sorry I really don't know his name
Pheobe: She's our neighbour! But not the close side, she's in G block, not H. She's really great though! We met her when we were knocking! And we stayed mates! She gives everyone food and gave me a banana!
Rachel: Mike / Tim's flatmate. She seems so nice! She does philosophy, she took a gap year and went sky diving! She a bit quiet I think, but she's really great to talk to! Interesting!
Alex: Rachel's flatmate. I haven't spoken to her too much, but she seems really nice! When I first saw her I thought she seemed a bit OTT, but she's not, she's a really happy / fun girl!
Alister: He's my flatmate! He does physics. He seems nice too!
Deji: Also my flatmate, he lives next to me... Which can be a bit annoying cause he plays load music a lot. But he's really nice. He was our DJ at the house party! And he plays rugby.
Julian: Also my flatmate. He's so funny! Always has the right thing to say. He reminds me a bit of uncle Roger, similar humor I think. He's into his computers too so we can geek out!
Rich: He's the guy Jake met on the first day. At first I didn't think he liked me, but now he seems great. He's Welsh and has an accent! Though, he can't speak it. Also a rugby player!

Deji, Julian and Jake. I think I've told you about Jake. He's such a funny man and made me feel right at home on the first night! If it wasn't for him, our flat would be so much more boring!

Tim: Mike's flatmate, he's quite quiet, but once you get chatting he's great! He's into his computers too I think! It's hard to explain but he's really nice.
James: Physics! He lives upstairs. He's funny and cool! He'll join in with anything!
Sam??: Sorry, I talk to this guy quite a bit, I really should know his name. He's really nice, bought me a drink the first night I met him. I still owe him that! I think he's Jame's flatmate.

Kit: He's crazy! And he can do stuff like those circus stick things! He hangs at ours quite a lot! But who doesn't, our flat is the best one!

Mike, Phoebe

Vickie from opposite! As in just walk out the door and your at her flat. She's really nice and I should really get to know her better! But right now, her and Deji are getting along greatly!

Me: God I needed a haircut, I'll tell you about it later
Luce: She's from next door, and she's so much fun. I met her on a night out before I even know she lived next door. When we're bored at clubs we go and meet random people. We get some strange ones but its so fun! She's into great music, she's a vegetarian, and the other night me and Phoebe were in her room chatting and we didn't know her flatmate was asleep. I felt so bad when she came in!

Katy: !! She's really cool, she has a ora of coolness, is that the right word? She spent four years in America so has an accent! She remind me of Kirstie so much! Do you see it!? I met her the same night as Luce. Good times!

I can't really see that properly, but I think that's "Katy with the cakes" in black. OMG it was so funny. She lent out the window one day when we were walking below. She asked us if we wanted cakes or brownies and chucked us some out the window! She's a gem!
Bryony: Has soooo many photos on her wall! And she seems great! I must get to know her better, she seems like real friend material.
Not sure who that looser is, but he needs a haircut eh!?

Ali, Alis, Tim


Ahh Dave! (I think). When I first met him he was drunk and I thought he seemed like a bit of a dick, he was a bit stupid about the fact I was on orange juice. But now I've talked to him sober, he seems like a really genuine guy! Serious! I wouldn't've told you about the bad stuff otherwise!

Jake, Julian, Rich
So they're my mates.
Last night we had a night off. Just went to a pub and came back early, piled into Jake's room and watched Dodge ball. I had some M&S chips, with LOADS of vinegar (Luce likes loads too) but the smell started someone a coughing fit! Har har!
A few nights ago, I was just about to go to bed, it was like half 1, and Tammy comes in and we start chatting. It got really deep, we were on about religion and life. Then Liz joined in and we chatted for ages about it (she's christian). I was saying that I can't believe something without proof and we were just talking about it! It got deep and I think I did well, usually I'm rubbish in discussions. Anyway, Tammy starts getting all emotional! (Bit drunk) she starts crying! Bless her! I hope I didn't upset her! But it was an interesting conversation.
I dared to go to some barber yesterday (hence the pictures of stupid hair) but it went wrong:

So yeah, a bit of a confidence dent but I'm fighting through it.
Yesterday I fixed Natalie's computer for her. She's so sweet! She's so easy to talk to! Cause I thought it would be all awkward (cause I had just had my hair done and was SOO not talkative) but it was fine! and she lent me a Lee Evans DVD and bought me a drink in the eve!
Can I just say, our flat is the best one here. Everyone knows where it's at. There's always people knocking on our door and we have so many mates. Probably all the knocking and the house party. But our flat is so cool, it's five lads, all wanting to have fun so I'm really glad I got this flat. We're all great guys!
I've been texting Pat a lot, asking where things were, and he was so right about that baguette shop! It was like £2.20 for this:

They really do pile the chicken in! It was lush and it's just round the corner!
Today I've had a mental morning, enrolling, trying to find a bloodyphoto machine that worked! I can't be bothered to tell you exactly how much I've walked, but it was a LOT!
I don't want to bore you too much so I'll go now. Traffic light party tonight!! Wicked
Speaky soony! (eww gay!)
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