Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My (19th) Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!! That's right!! Last Sunday marked the birthday of my good self! And, of course, I'm going to tell you all about it. ready?

It all started with me going home for the weekend. I got on the train, trained it back and got picked up by dad. It was great to see the house and loved ones. I had to quickly have my haircut (cause she was waiting for me) but we won't talk about that. I don't want to be a negative Nancy.

ANYWAY! As it was so late we got an Indian take-away for the evening and we all played games in the lounge. Saturday I went shopping with mumsy for birthday clothes. Then, get this, I was meant to meet up with my few friends who were in Bristol (4, to be exact) and it all went wrong! Mainly because most people didn't want to go if a certain someone was there. But anyway, it was all very weird. So instead of going out for a meal, I cooked a spaghetti bolognese!!

Sunday I got up and opened my pressies! I think I found a definite favorite:

I got lovely presents (including peep show on DVD!) and my family took me out for a meal in the afternoon. I got the train home, first one cancelled, second one 45 minutes delayed cause of a riot at the station! Football fans... great. How much of a coincidence is this though! Jake came home from Loughbrough, (me from Bristol) and he gets on exactly the same train and exactly the same carriage as me! Weird!

Monday night! What a night. You all know I don't really drink, right? right. But obviously I didn't have much choice on my bday! We went to the Taf for a few drinks to begin with. I couldn't believe how many people turned up!!!! (thank you!)

I didn't spend a penny all night! Everyone was buying my drinks! Jake got me this shot that tasted like mouthwash, I swear.

It was great! Loads of people turned up! It was pretty embarrassing though when Sophie walks in and the guys find out and start shouting stuff at her and even tapped her shoulder on the way out!

We went over to Solus (nightclub) next door. It's so great, it's about 5 minutes from my bedroom! More people kept turning up all the time.

A few shots from Speed later and I was ready to dance. We were right at the front for hours! I don't think I've ever been properly drunk. But this is what it looks like:

...and from there it just got plain disabilitating:

heh heh, Julie.

After looooads of dancing we went home, Very tired. I had drunken dreams, and it still felt like I was in the club!

I woke up, on time for my 9am lecture, feeling fine but still drunk. I thought I better sleep another hour. Got up at 9, and slowly began to feel TERRIBLE! I've never felt like it before, but I think they call it a 'hangover'! Closing my eyes made it worse but I couldn't keep my eyes open! I sat on my computer for an hour feeling very sorry for myself.

It was an excellent weekend though!!!!!! Honest!! Speed's mum even sent me a card!! And speed got me a great poster! I can't believe how many people came to the night out / sent me a card / facebooked me. Thanks! Can't wait till next year!


  1. Choose the worst photos of me you can find Rich, it's ok.

    Haha srsly though, hope you had a good'un.

  2. So basically when you get drunk you just pose for the camera a lot? There are worse things to do whilst inebriated I guess!

  3. It's awesome you had an excellent birthday!
    You were HAMMERED- but thats how you gotta do it on your 19th birthday!
