My good friend Speed gave me the heads up on this one. This is amazing. It's called Pandora, basically, you tell it what music you like and it will create a radio station especially for you! With loads of similar songs to your taste. Apparently it doesn't just go by what other people like, but also things like instruments, melody, tempo etc, anyway who cares, it's amazing check it out

p.s. what a bastard setting the fire alarm off at 3:10 last night in the rain. Deji scared them off the night before but they got it last night. It's such a horrible feeling suddenly waking up and realising you're already stood up and in a panic without knowing what's happening. It took me a while to work out I needed to put clothes on and get out! Funny though!
WOW, pandora has changed alot since the last time i was there, what you used to do was type in a band you liked and then it would pull up a family tree type thing telling you about similar bands that you would probably like, but this is SO much cooler- damn now im gonna play with this insead of studying for exams....