Thursday, December 06, 2007


Hello! urgh, Christmas is nearing now and I'm actually pretty excited. I'm excited to get home and see my family, friends, rabbits and car.

The Christmas decorations have been up over a month now, and will probably be up another two. That's a quarter of a year, people! That's just stupid and it takes away everything special about it.

I wish I carried a camera with me more often, the other day Speed and I were in a Christmas decoration shop and they had a really big reindeer pulling a sleigh. As I walked past I notice what appeared to be two very large testicles between its legs. On closer inspection I found that it was indeed two big testicles, also sporting a dog-like penis. ....How festive!

I bought a calculator the other day, you could see it through its packaging, but for some reason Casio still decided to print "Actual size" right next to the calculator. It's not even a picture! And I'm pretty sure it won't collapse to half size when I open it!

Lately my house has been very couplely / couplesome, whatever you want to call it. James, yes JAMES has got a girlfriend! She's really nice, actually! And Rosie and May are the sweetest couple! And Jake and Amy are still going strong!

Anyway, I was at a house party yesterday and this beautiful girl starts talking with me. We were getting on great, chatting for ages, and I was thinking "oh finally, so this is what it's like". Anyway, she kept leaving me and coming back and giving really mixed signals. Day after I look her up on Facebook to see what was going on and it turns out her boyfriend was at the party too! Oh great! This is the icing on the cake of our couplesome house! Have... have I been a bad boy?, Did I... did I do something terrible when I was younger? This is just about the equivalent to asking a Big Issuer for a copy, reaching for your money then saying "naaahahhha, only joking" and walking off smirking. It wasn't meant to be like this.

I'm trying to revise really really hard maths and it suxx. I bought some biscuits to help. And I know I'll have to revise all over Christmas, and that breaks my heart. Still, on the bright side, Phil is coming down tomorrow! We're going to paint the union red, you wait. I miss that homie.

Ohh! Forgot to mention: Can you remember Christmas dinner last year at the girl's flat? (click here) 24 of us in that tiny kitchen! Anyway, this year they're in a big house and there'll only be like half of us. They're cooking us Christmas dinner again Sunday. But not before I go round to Speed's house to cook them a tasty desert! Can't wait, I love those girls and I wish they still lived right next door. How cool are they for cooking us a meal! This year I'm going to try to beat last year's record of four Christmas dinners in one season. oh snap

1 comment:

  1. Waking life is actually my favoutire one, we're totally on the same page!
    Hmm couplesome: I feel that sometimes, like now my roomate has started to see this guy, and they are really cute together, but i'm pretty glad it's finals because they arn't hanging around that much, so i don't have to witness all the gooey stuff and feel lonely (even thought my roomie isnt the type to be gooey) lol. You'll get a girl, your awesome! perhaps you should try to be more of an asshole- girls totally dig that (because we're all kinda crazy sometimes) I know I do...
    As for my blog: I think i'm gonna start a new one in january- i hate how whiny my old one became. Plus I've been talking to a prof. and he says i need to fig my proe and a blog would be a perfect way to practice.
