Last week was the last week of term at uni! To celebrate this and Liz's birthday we went out on the razzle-dazzle Thursday:

Friday night I helped 'drink the bar dry' at the student's union. Oh, I'm sure two soda, lime & vodkas really helped them out... We came home early because it was soooo busy! Ordered some junk food and watched Donnie Darko. It was quite good! I didn't fully understand it though. And if I did understand it then it wasn't very good. But I probably just plain didn't get it.
Dad came to pick me up on Saturday. He really enjoyed the drive thanks to our new sat-nav system. I was also very impressed with it. Saturday night me and my family went to see Mama Mia at the hippodrome. It was pretty camp, but not a bad watch I suppose. At the end everything got very emotional, lots of music and dancing and bowing. I could see people in the audience slowly standing up and clapping / dancing. Slowly, more and more people did this. I was praying it'd stop but it slowly made its way to the row in front of me so I had to stand up and dance too! Ergh. Anyway, I did a pretty badassed job, really looked as though I cared!
Phil took me down town yesterday. We went to see Light Up Bristol 2007 in the center. Basically lots of projection animations on buildings and lots of fake snow!

It was pretty beautiful! But sooooo cold out there! I swear! I had my scarf around my head under my hood with four layers on and I was still freezing!
I was so excited to come home but now I remember how not-good it is. Arguments all the time and total boredom! Everyone is out of the house all day so I'm stuck here with no car. I can't wait until Christmas begins, then I'll have loads to do!
On Thursday I am going to work back at Multicom (where I worked in the summer). Ohh how high I shall hold my head when walking back into that place! After I slagged them off on my blog (and they found it) and after they have given me a huge list of problems they have had with the system I made them! How embarrassing. Apart from that I'm kinda looking forward to going back there.
Sorry if I'm negative. I'm just super bored. Revision is sat on the bed waiting for me. I hate her so much. Speak to you soon!!
Ohh, I totally forgot! My sister went to a Rhianna concert the other day. I used to hate her 'Umbrella' song. But then I remembered Biffy Clyro cover of it May told me about:
I can't stop listening to it! And now I'm starting to actually like the original! Weird! I'm such a bitch about music, and I hate that about people. Music is art and art is a matter of opinion. What makes my opinion more important than anyone else's? My favorite argument is "That song is not art / music", but I should still shut up.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure she thought the gig was good because I over heard her sleep-talking about it that night! She sounded very impressed!
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