Thursday, December 20, 2007

Yourself & Making People's Days...

So I had my first day back at work today, it was fine! In fact, I think a lot of the dudes there are pretty cool. And I'm not just saying that because I slagged them off here. There's this one guy, Tim, really nice guy, and he talks like the most chilled out, spaced out kid ever. He's all like "heyyy riiiiiichhhh, how you doin' dooooood?". I can't really do it here but I can do a good impression.

The other night I read such a brilliant short story / poem thing. It was about getting to know yourself, the real you. Taking the time to do that is so special. All I hear about lately is how hard / impossible it is to find a perfect partner. Really, it would be pretty hard to find someone more brilliant than you in this life, don't you think? You like all the same stuff as yourself, do all the same things as yourself, have all the same ideas as yourself. It's a shame to think people don't take notice of this brilliant, prefect person: yourself, mainly because they are so caught up on finding a perfect partner. But even if you do find that perfect partner, that's going to make it even harder to get to know yourself! And if that partner leaves you're left with nothing. Take some time, people! Watch films with yourself, enjoy art with yourself, have fun with yourself!

I emailed the girl about how brilliant I thought her writing was. It made her day.

Talking of making people's days, can you remember ages ago when I drew this on my favorite American eFriend's wall:

Two different people have taken the time to email me about how brilliant they thought it was and I have even had one friend request over it!

"Hello. i very like you's grafity" ahhhh!! I love her already! And it doesn't stop there, I found out the other day that almost 20 different people from all over the globe have commented on it! Check it out! (here). Now that made my day!


  1. I'm not sure I agree with the whole 'getting to know yourself' bit.
    Now, I see what you mean but you can't get the social interaction from yourself like you can from other people. Of course, it would probably help in times of loneliness, but nothing like the feedback you get from others.

    I find it hard to believe someone would grow to like themselves even more because they like a certain type of music or film. "Oh, I love this song!" "OMG, so do I!" Not buying, sorry.

    But still, point taken about getting to know yourself, rather than yourself being a companion.

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  6. WOW - that's actually amazing. You're on the wrong course ;)

    Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year


    PS - Gah, cannot comment properly anymore!
