I can't believe it's been three weeks since I last blogged! I'm soo sorry, I have so much to tell you, and if you'll just read for a bit then all shall be revealed.
The general theme for this blog is how stupidly busy I've been lately. Hence the title. But srsly, it's been ridiculous, but always fun.
I think I remember where we got up to in my last blog, which means this blog will start with my tale of going home for the weekend. Firework weekend, to be specific. OMG! I totally remembered how I managed to totally kill a perfectly good conversation with an amazing girl on the train. But I'm not going to tell you because it's all I ever seem to talk about on here, and I'm really not like that.
Ok, so the train journey was fine, saw my family and house and everything. On Saturday we went to Bristol Zoo!! (just like I did with Speed in the summer) except this time it was with my extended family. It was fun! And in the evening mum cooked us all tea and we went to Bristol Downs to watch some amazing fireworks. Well, they would have been amazing if we didn't have the 'reduced show'. Honestly, some winy bitch gets hit by a firework and we had to wait half an hour for it to blow over and then we got a reduced show. Always one, I suppose. But it was still great!
The day after we all went out for a meal for my uncle's 60th birthday. It was really nice food. After that I came back home. It was so annoying though because my first train was cancelled and my second was delayed and when I finally got a train I struggled to even get through the door let alone find my reserved seat. Stupidly busy. It was Sunday evening! Thanks First... Anyway, Speed still came and picked me up at 9, I'm so glad he did, train journeys can get pretty depressing sometimes. {He's such a dude. You know you're in tune with someone when you accidentally say exactly the same word at exactly the same time, even after a pause (lol, "unite!"). Or start singing the same line randomly.} And what's more, we still made it back to the girl's house in time to watch all the fireworks!! And, just like the night before, a firework fell over and started shooting right at us! Luckily there was a bush in the way and no-one got hurt. Still!
Oh, I almost forgot, just before I went home for the weekend we stayed in to watch Deal or No Deal because it was the night that we were in the audience!!! (remember?) Oh, and surprise surprise, James happened to be watching Top Gear and wouldn't let us turn over the telly. What a fucking douchebag! Anyway, I watched it back at home and there was a really good close up of me! But this is the best picture Speed could get of us (we're just right of Noel):

Oh, and talking of James, he asked me for two slices of bread the other day, and I gave him them!! WTF!? I felt really bad after, but those puppy dog eyes.....
After the weekend home I had a maths test, so loads of revision. Tuesday night Speed and I went to an open mic night at Dirty Sue's. It was pretty good! And Speed wants to perform next week!
The next few evenings I spent trying to do my 3,000 word essay. Then on Friday night, Speed, Steven, Marc and I all drove up to Swansea to go to our friend Gareth's birthday! It was really good! Until four people fell and landed on Gareth's laptop. Man, he was pissed, I don't blame him. He came down after a while and shouted "Anyone that doesn't live here get out!". No one was moving much, so I started to get up, then his gf told me he didn't mean me. We all slept the night there, along with some other weirdo that was down in the living room. I was worried he was going to knife me in my sleep, we were going to chuck him out but we kept chickeing out:

Monday night we went out for Steven's birthday pub crawl (Gareth's twin)!! I made it through 7 legs! That's impressive!! And I didn't have a hangover the next day! It was great fun and all the people were really nice :-)

Well, that pretty much brings me up to today!! Which was also amazing. Speed and I finally started a band and we had our first jam today! Speed knew the drummer off the net (who, turns out, lives right at the end of my road! Speed and I noticed drumming on several occasions, turns out it was him!) and we wanted our friend Dave on vocals. Anyway, he didn't turn up, I don't think he's really into it. Shame. But we still had a great, much needed jam, with Speed and I attempting to sing. The drummer (Liam) was amazing, by the way. What a dude. I think this is why I'm in such a good mood. I love jamming. So much.
On Saturday night I will mon the Biffy for the 4th time in my life! The other three gigs have been amazing. Phil is coming down, I can wait. I'm so proud of that dude, a plumber that uses Linux! That's gotta be a first! Anyway, bad news is he just got dumped by Ria. Hope he's okay :-(. Last time I saw Biffy it was a full-on workout. I've been working extra hard at the gym lately so I can have a great time at the gig. (I'm 11 stone now! woo!)
Another amazing gig coming up is the Kerang tour with co&ca and Circa Survive! I love them so much!! January 30th.
My skin is being pretty dam good this year. If this keeps up I'll blog about my entire routine. I don't want to yet in case I jinx it.

Yesterday our 6th games console entered the house!! An xbox 360:

I think I'll take more pictures around the house from now on. Like the time I melted my entire lasagne ready meal by grilling it. Student houses are so interesting.
wooheee, that was a massive blog. Feels so good to get it out there, when you know you have the phatest blog brewing and you finally get round to writing it, it's brill.
'till next time.....
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