Well I'm back at home now. I've said my final goodbyes to my bedroom, flat, block and won't be returning there ever again. Which is so strange after I've been living there for so many months. It's the only place I've lived except home. It became my home! And now I've left it I miss it and I'm homesick.
My parents came to pick me up, and I know everyone thinks they have embarrassing parents, but seriously, my dad is the worst. Swearing, shouting, moaning, singing. He was the only person I've ever seen drop a box of china in the courtyard. I think I hid for a few minutes after that! I suppose I shouldn't be embarrassed, I suppose people should think "Wow, Rich turn out ok after being brought up by that man. He must be so cool". I was talking to mum about it, and apparently her dad was must worse! Which I can easily believe. Man, I have some stories to tell about grandpa, but I can't be bothered right now.
The last few days were amazing!! The weather was perfect! On the last day, a few of us sat out at a park in the sun with some drinks and finger snacks. It was just the nicest feeling, knowing that everything is done now!
Night time was great too. After having my usual favorite meal from Gassy Jacks, we went round the girls flat for a chat, then went down town to get drunk.
Must've been about 20 of us, but we split into two groups. Still great though! I haven't seen many of the photos yet, but I'll post some more when I get them. A few stories: Ali ended up sleeping against our front door 'till Jake found him, we ended up with a bar chair in our kitchen, Julie pulled a big bird!
My parents came to pick me up, and I know everyone thinks they have embarrassing parents, but seriously, my dad is the worst. Swearing, shouting, moaning, singing. He was the only person I've ever seen drop a box of china in the courtyard. I think I hid for a few minutes after that! I suppose I shouldn't be embarrassed, I suppose people should think "Wow, Rich turn out ok after being brought up by that man. He must be so cool". I was talking to mum about it, and apparently her dad was must worse! Which I can easily believe. Man, I have some stories to tell about grandpa, but I can't be bothered right now.
The last few days were amazing!! The weather was perfect! On the last day, a few of us sat out at a park in the sun with some drinks and finger snacks. It was just the nicest feeling, knowing that everything is done now!
Night time was great too. After having my usual favorite meal from Gassy Jacks, we went round the girls flat for a chat, then went down town to get drunk.

Talking of Julie, I came back at about 3am to find him on his mobile (with the charger cable leading from his phone to his pocket!) calling Vodaphone to report his own phone (that he had in his hand) stolen! He had definitely been drinking that night! We awoke in the morning to find he sleeping bad in the shower!
So many little stories that I can't list here, but it was a great night! No trouble, no one fell out, no bad feelings, just good fun and a great end to the year!
It was fine saying goodbye to everyone, 'cause you know you'll see them next year! But thinking about it, saying goodbye for good is going to be so hard. I've known them a year now, but after being with them for three years and being so close, it'll be so hard to say goodbye. I'm already say to leave Senghennydd. Feel like I've lost a friend.

In other news, I can't believe how boring my bunny is. The little wild bunny started being really anal with the big bunny so we had to separate them. So now, we let the big bunny run round the entire garden! (Dad recons they'll take over the house one day and we'll have to move out). So he has the entire garden, patio, conservatory etc, and as soon as you let him out he runs straight to his favorite bush and sits there ALL DAY. So frustrating! I nudged him with a stick earlier and he just found a different bush. What a douche.
its really good you had a big goodbye with all your friends. Now you have to look foreward to being at home and living with your parents again (you'll have more perspective on how nuts they probably are) lol.
ReplyDeleteWhat are your summer plans?
i sorta touched on my plans for the summer in my last post- but in summary-i really don't know... either one of 2 very different things and locations.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you poke your bunny. That's almost as bad as what you do do other peoples' pets. Yes, my poor Poosen is still traumatised from your encounters. Bet you can't wait to come visit a *real* university!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, man - it was really hard to say goodbye to Senghetto and all of the people that I've been like family with for the last year even though I'll see them in September. I don't want to think about the goodbyes after three years just yet... They're going to be the hardest goodbyes.